Communities living in heritage towns, cities and territories, have been seriously affected by confinement and the drop in touristic activity. As a result of these difficulties, community networks have been activated, producing new forms of collaboration to maintain their quality of life. In this roundtable we will look at cases that have affected museums, communities and populations in villages and cities on a larger scale. Each cultural reality has been able to adapt to the new circumstances, often appealing to the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its social skills. Are we facing a social or real living cultures conservation?
MODERATOR: Magdalena Pereira, Centro de Estudios del Patrimonio. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
AFRICA Mustafa Akalay, Private University of Fez – La Medina de Fez durante la pandemia, una ciudad resiliente
EUROPE Marta Lorenzon, University of Helsinki – Building Identities: archaeology, interactions, and conservation during the pandemic.
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Guillermo Wilde, Univ. Nacional de San Martin, CONICET/Maximiliano Von Thûngen, Universitat zu Koln – Reconceptualizando el patrimonio jesuítico de América del Sur (a distancia)
SOUTH AMERICA Elvira Espejo, Museo de Etnografía y Folclore La Paz – La Paz, Re tejiendo nuestra comunidad en pandemia.