Disasters and Pandemics
Recent disasters and actual pandemic have exposed the fragility and vulnerability of our world heritage. These exceptional sites and pieces, which we would like to preserve for all humanity and future generations, do not exist in a segregated world. They belong to our social environment and our daily life. But at the same time, the World Heritage Sites are in danger! They are threatened by natural hazards that attempt against their existence. The pandemic has revealed their fragility and how much the human presence in them is vital and necessary for their survival. How can we protect them and at the same time give them life and new meanings? If we hope for a future for them, we should stop considering them only as beautiful objects or places, merchandise for the tourist industry, and fully integrate them into the social and cultural dynamics of daily life. We propose to promote a great discussion around the world on the risks and effects of disasters and pandemics on World Heritage Sites. We invite Non-Governmental Organizations, Academies, representatives of civil society, and local governments to participate, to contribute with new proposals for public policies on the conservation and safeguarding of the cultural and natural heritage of humanity.
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MODERATOR: Xiaoning Hua - Architect. PhD (Southeast University, Nanjing). Associate Professor of SAUP (School of Architecture and Urban Planning), Nanjing University
Christoph Schnoor
Dongming Xu
Ricardo Lopez
COVID Pandemic tested human behavior in many dimensions. How did we practice heritage conservation during the COVID-19 pandemic?
COVID Pandemic tested human behavior in many dimensions. The essential was distinguished from the accessory. Did we stop conserving during Pandemic? As we know we didn’t… So Conservation of natural and cultural treasures in risk has become a deep human need and a main goal of the sustainability global challenge. So what did we learn from the activity of heritage conservation? Beyond research and academic discussion, how is conservation influencing our real life? Is conservation a relevant activity in the 21st century planet? If conservation is a deep human need, what are the other needs involved? What do the native communities, the real masters in conservation, have to say about it? Which sectors of the economy are the main allies of the conservation industry? (and please forget Tourism for a while…) What does conservation offer for better living in an OVER urbanized, unequal and uncertain world?
MODERATOR: Cristian Heinen, Fundación Altiplano
EUROPE Diana Büttner
AFRICA Kagosi Mwamulowe, Association of Critical Heritage Studies Regional Director of the East Central Region of the National Heritage Conservation Commission in Zambia (Zambia)
OCEANIA Jane Lennon – Brisbane (Australia)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Jake Barrow, Cornerstones Community Cartnerships – case study: US, Pueblo’s churches of New Mexico (US)
SOUTH AMERICA Marcelo Vargas, Plan Misiones de Chiquitos Architect, executive – case study: Bolivia, Misiones Jesuíticas de Chiquitos (Bolivia)
SOUTH AMERICA Adelaida Marka, Andean farmer and entrepreneur from Community of Socoroma, Arica y Parinacota, Chile – case study: Chile, Andean Temples of Arica y Parinacota, the native sense of conservation (Chile)
As a result of the confinement and the drop in touristic activity in historic areas, community networks produce new forms of collaboration to maintain quality of life. This roundtable looks at museums, villages and large scale cities.
Communities living in heritage towns, cities and territories, have been seriously affected by confinement and the drop in touristic activity. As a result of these difficulties, community networks have been activated, producing new forms of collaboration to maintain their quality of life. In this roundtable we will look at cases that have affected museums, communities and populations in villages and cities on a larger scale. Each cultural reality has been able to adapt to the new circumstances, often appealing to the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its social skills. Are we facing a social or real living cultures conservation?
MODERATOR: Magdalena Pereira, Centro de Estudios del Patrimonio. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
AFRICA Mustafa Akalay, Private University of Fez – La Medina de Fez durante la pandemia, una ciudad resiliente
EUROPE Marta Lorenzon, University of Helsinki – Building Identities: archaeology, interactions, and conservation during the pandemic.
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Guillermo Wilde, Univ. Nacional de San Martin, CONICET/Maximiliano Von Thûngen, Universitat zu Koln – Reconceptualizando el patrimonio jesuítico de América del Sur (a distancia)
SOUTH AMERICA Elvira Espejo, Museo de Etnografía y Folclore La Paz – La Paz, Re tejiendo nuestra comunidad en pandemia.
Multidisciplinary academia, not-for-profit and industry contributors provide their opinions about how World Heritage Sites can prepare for these potential calamities.
This session brings individuals with solid trajectories in planning, developing, and implementing information technologies in preparedness and mitigation of disasters and now pandemics. Multidisciplinary academia, not-for-profit and industry contributors will provide their opinions about how World Heritage Sites can prepare for these potential calamities. The group has also actively participated in the OWH´s transformation Information Technologies theme, and the policy recommendations and toolkits being developed for monitoring and presentation of WH sites and their relationship to these disasters and pandemics will be discussed.
MODERATOR: Mario Santana - Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS), Carleton University, Professor and Secretary General at International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) (in)
ASIA Joe Kallas, Emergency Documentation Mission of Historic Beirut post-explosion, DGA Lebanon / BBHR2020; Core Team Member, Our World Heritage / Transformational Information Technologies – Beirut Blast: An Emergency Documentation (Lebanon)
ASIA Prof. Takeyuki Okubo, Professor at the College of Science and Engineering, Director of the Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, (R-DMUCH) (Japan)
NORTH AMERICA Elizabeth Lee, Cyark Core Team Member, Our World Heritage / Transformational Information Technologies (USA)
NORTH AMERICA Rebecca Napolitano, Assistant Professor, Penn State University, Core Team Member, Our World Heritage / Transformational Information Technologies; Daniele Paulino, Ph.D. Student in the Department of Architectural Engineering at Penn State University – United States of America (USA)
LATIN AMERICA Bernadette Devilat L., Research Fellow in Architectural and Urban Heritage, Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage, Nottingham Trent University, Core Team Member, Our World Heritage / Transformational Information Technologies – Chile, Advanced recording technologies for post-earthquake-damage assessment and re-construction in Chilean heritage areas (Chile)
EUROPE Bijan Rouhani, AMENA Researcher, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford, Vice-President of the Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness of ICOMOS (ICOMOS-ICORP), and Vice-Chair of the ICOMOS Working Group for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Syria and Iraq; representative of ICOMOS on the International Board of the Blue Shield; Director of AMAL in Heritage at Global Heritage Fund (GHF) Mentor, Our World Heritage / Transformational Information Technologies – United Kingdom (EAMENA Region)
EUROPE Aziliz Vandesande, Postdoctoral researcher, KU Leuven | Faculty of Engineering Science, Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation Scientific Coordinator of H2020 Project, ILUCIDARE.
The pandemic and the confinement associated with preventive measures impacts the economic sustainability of historic centers.
The pandemic and the confinement associated with preventive measures has had an impact or the economic sustainability of historic centers, interrupting the preventive conservation planning processes of our nations, requiring the implementation of stimulus measures by governments, and international assistance in some cases. The social recovery, will constitute also, one of the greatest challenges, even the WHO has recognized the relevance of culture in people’s health. The designs of policies to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic from the competence of heritage can generate synergy in the communities, in order to project a sustainable future.
MODERATOR: Karen Fried - Vice president of Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios de Chile (ICOMOS), Member of Comité Internacional de Ciudades y Poblados Históricos (CIVVIH).
ASIA Masafumi Yamasaki, Ritsumeikan University – Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Japan)
AFRICA Djako Romaric, Maison du Patrimoine Culturel de Grand-Bassam – Grand-Bassam (Côte d’Ivoire)
EUROPE Paolo Motta, SDGWG- CIVVIH- ICTC- ICOMOS Committees – Mount Peglia Biosphere reserve, Orvieto (Italy)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Dominique Chang, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica – Antigua Guatemala, a resilience city (Guatemala)
SOUTH AMERICA Florencio Compte, Santiago de Guayaquil Catholic University – Guayaquil Historical Center (Ecuador)
This webinar highlights the vulnerabilities and protection of intangible heritage in contexts of disaster and crisis, and its role in recovery processes and resilience building.
The session on Intangible Heritage and Disasters has two objectives:
To highlight the specific vulnerabilities that intangible heritage can present in contexts of disaster and crisis, as well as strategies to manage them.
To explore the role of intangible heritage in recovery processes and resilience building.
MODERATOR: Alejandra Albuerne - PhD (University of Oxford), Assistant Professor of Sustainable Heritage, UCL.
ASIA Monalisa Maharjan, University of Evora (Nepal)
OCEANIA Chris Ballard, Australian National University (Australia)
AFRICA Neila Saadi, University of Tunis (Tunis)
EUROPE Alessia Strozzi, Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche (Italy)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Cody Groat, Indigenous Heritage Circle (Canada)
SOUTH AMERICA Catalina Ortiz, University College London (Colombia)
Researchers from different disciplines within the disaster studies discuss protecting world heritage sites against disasters.
The protection of heritage sites against disasters is a complex problem that requires a broad vision. In this sense, it is not possible to address that complexity only from one discipline. Disaster studies have been traditionally dominated by natural sciences and engineering studies, leaving social sciences in a relatively marginal position. Today, this situation is changing, but interdisciplinary research remains restricted. Interdisciplinary research implies a horizontal dialogue and allows enrichment of understanding, but also forces an uncomfortable re-examination of each discipline propositions. With these considerations, this event will gather researchers from different disciplines dedicated to disaster studies to a dialogue around the protection of world heritage sites against disasters.
MODERATOR: Karla Palma - CIGIDEN / PhD (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). Assistant Professor (Universidad de Chile). (in)
Arash Boostani, Aga Khan Cultural Services, Afghanistan – Jam Minaret (Afghanistan)
Sara Stefanini, University of Florence – Medina of Fes (Morocco)
Margarita Teutli, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) – Puebla (México)
Maureen Fordham, UCL Inst. for Risk & Disaster Reduction; Belen Desmaison, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Pablo Vega Centeno Sara Lafosse, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – Perú
How to protect our cultural heritage while giving them life and new meaning? (How) have cultural values have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic?
Our world heritage sites are in crisis. Their existence is threatened by natural disasters. In addition, the recent pandemic has shown the weakness of World Heritage sites and how people are essential to the preservation and maintenance of World Heritage sites. Our heritage consists of cultural, natural, or mixed landmarks. Cultural heritage is so exceptional that its importance transcends borders and has shared importance for all of us. Buildings, monuments, artifacts, and structures, as well as the values that exceed art and scholarship, are universal values that belong to all humanity, regardless of where they are located. We intend to conduct this discussion under the title of “The value of culture during Pandemics” to discuss the protection and preservation of our natural and cultural heritage, while giving them life and new meaning, at the same time. In addition, we want to address how cultural values have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.
MODERATOR: Lee Jae Principal Architect of Lee Jae Architects based in Seoul, South Korea. Master in Architecture and Urban Design from ETSAB-UPC Barcelona, and Architecture and Design in MArch Valencia, Spain. Visiting professor at Phai Chai University (PCU) and Adjunct professor at Seoil University. (in)
ASIA Jun Ho Chen, Seoil University – Immersive Experience of Architectural Heritages through VR (Korea)
OCEANIA Dave Beynon, University of Tasmania – Pandemic distractions (Australia)
AFRICA Boutheïna Hannachi & Rim Rachdi, Sapienza Università di Roma – Promoting culture and heritage through social media (Tunisia)
EUROPE Carles Pastor Foz, UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Pastor associates – Digital design as a tool to restore and recover the memory of our architectural heritage (Spain)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Benjamin Saulsberry, Museum Director at the Emmett Till Interpretive Center (USA)
SOUTH AMERICA Karen Golle & José Ojeda, Universidad Católica de Chile / Universidad Arturo Prat – The cultural and spiritual value of “Bailes Chinos” during pandemic and how it has affected”Bailes Chinos of Tarapacá” (Chile)
MODERATORS: Bruno Coutinho & Leonardo Freitas
ASIA Jefferson Chua (Philippines)
OCEANIA Andrea Ortega Esquivel, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park (Australia)
AFRICA Albino Jopela, Africa World Heritage Fund (Mozambique)
EUROPE Andri Tsiouti, UPC Barcelona – When a pandemic generates cultural heritage; the case of the Amiantos asbestos mine in Cyprus and the outstanding mining parks of Riotinto and Almaden in Spain (Spain & Cyprus)
SOUTH AMERICA M. Cananea (Brasil)
Addressing the way groups address heritage (sometimes even as a hindrance), through the lens of participation.
What are the problems of local communities today? Understanding that social practices are not always related to regulations. At the lack of official responses by the authorities, informal associations and grassroots organizations have stepped up to provide for the communities, while trying to maintain their well being. Through the lens of participation, we would like to address the way groups regard heritage (sometimes even as a hindrance), their relationship with it, and the ways they make it part of their daily lives, through adaptations and appropriations.
Believing that World Heritage Centers have to be living places, allowing for life to thrive and for communities to strengthen, concepts like identity, agency, place attachment, Do It Yourself solutions and appropriation will be addressed, as ways to incorporate World Heritage Centers to peoples lives, especially in times of COVID.
MODERATOR: Cristina Dreifuss - Architect ( Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas) and PhD (Università degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’). Research Coordinator at the School of Architecture, Universidad de Lima.
ASIA Alex Yen, Center for Conservation of Cultural heritage, China University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan; Vice President, CIPA, ICOMOS (Taiwan)
AFRICA Tarek Teba
EUROPE Doriana Musaj & Artan Kacani
SOUTH AMERICA José Cepero (Peru)
How can local creative and cultural industries help to build the resilience of heritage sites in an era in which natural disasters and climate change increasingly threatens cultural heritage?
Cultural heritage is rooted in community and place. Cultural heritage sites often sit at the heart of a vibrant ecosystem of community, civic, cultural, and creative organizations. As we enter an era when natural disasters and climate change increasingly threaten cultural heritage (earthquakes, drought, etc.), how can local creative and cultural industries’ ecosystems help to build the resilience of heritage sites? What have we learned from previous disasters? What are the key lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Isidora Larraín - Architect (Universidad Católica de Chile) and Msc (University College London). International consultant Sustainable Heritage, Cities, and Innovation (in)
Paul Owens - Founder and Director, BOP Consulting – international consultancy specialising in culture and the creative economy
ASIA Yumi Yoshikawa, Artist – Kiriko Project in MinamiSanriku Cho (Japan)
AFRICA Polly Alakija, Five Cowries Arts Education Initiative – Nigeria, Five Cowries Arts Education Initiative uses culture and the arts to develop educator capacity (Nigeria)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Eve Mosher, Artist – New York City: Statue of Liberty // Philadelphia: Independence Hall, HighWaterLine NYC and Heat Capture South Philly (USA)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Amy Schwartzman & Ted S. Berger, Emergency Management and the Arts & Executive Director at New York Creates (USA)
EUROPE Paul Heritage & Mariana Steffen, People’s Palace Projects – Arts and youth mental health collaborative during COVID-19
SOUTH AMERICA Paul Heritage & Tiago Jesus, People´s palace projects – People´s palace projects, Brazil, Minas Gerais’s Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Iron Quadrangle) – home to two UNESCO World Heritage towns (Ouro Preto; Diamantina; Congonhas). Roots of Resilience in Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Installing and strengthening disaster-risk management among all the stakeholders reduces vulnerability to potential threats. Investing in prevention through programs, regulations or projects should be a priority task to contribute to the preservation of heritage and its associated communities.
In recent times, the vulnerability of cultural heritage as a result of both natural and man-made threats has been demonstrated. The consequences of the loss of cultural heritage, in all its expressions, has a strong impact on the history and traditions of peoples and communities, affecting their normal social and economic development. In this scenario, it is essential to install and strengthen capacities for disaster-risk management among all the stakeholders, in order to reduce vulnerability to potential threats. In this sense, investing in prevention through programs, regulations or projects should be a priority task to contribute to the preservation of heritage and its associated communities.
MODERATOR: Marcela Hurtado - Architect (Universidad de Valparaíso) and PhD (Universidad Pablo de Olvaide). President of ICOMOS Chile and professor (UTFSM).
ASIA Takeyuki Okubo, Ritsumeikan University – Fire risk -preparation- community in Kyoto (Japan)
OCEANIA Peter Philips – Conservation management in troubled times: the Sydney Opera House (Australia)
AFRICA Khalid El Harrouni, VP ICOMOS Morocco, VP ISCARSAH and ISCES, École Nationale d’Architecture (ENA), Rabat Institutes – Earthquake, a technical approach (Morocco)
EUROPE Elena Mamani – Case study: Albania (Albania)
SOUTH AMERICA Claudia González Muzzio, Ambito Consultores, ICOMOS Chile – Qhapaq Ñan Andean Road System / climate change (Latin America)
This session touches upon how earthquakes affect different cultural heritage expressions and the relationship between earthquake destruction and cultural heritage regulations and conventions
The cultural heritage may be exposed to different kinds of hazards and disasters, some of them -as earthquakes- such destructive as sudden. A specific particularity of this problem is crossed by the unpredictability factor that usually has an impact over heritage. Therefore, regulations seem to provide not only restrictions but mainly preventing rules in order to protect the cultural heritage. Thus, this session raises questions like “how do earthquakes affect different cultural heritage expressions around the world?”, “how do local, national and international regulations and conventions protect the cultural heritage considering quakes?” or “ Which role carry out the empiric dimension among the relationship between earthquake destruction and cultural heritage protection rules? “ An international and multicultural discussion leads to a better understanding of this crucial issue.
MODERATOR: Marco Barrientos - Architect and PhD (Universidad Católica de Chile). Professor at Universidad Católica de Chile (in)
ASIA Wang Yu, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (China)
ASIA Prof. Enrico Spacone & Prof. Giuseppe Brando, University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara – Damages from the Gorkha earthquake (Nepal)
EUROPE Giulia Misseri, University of Florence (Italy)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Fernando Peña Mondragón, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)
SOUTH AMERICA Marco Barrientos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – Valparaiso (Chile)
Cultural and Natural Heritage are among the highest expressions of humanity. However, we assist to a sharp increase of disasters causing severe damage or loss of heritage worldwide. Countries affected by catastrophic events are usually caught unprepared, incapable to deploy mitigation and/or response measures.
Cultural and Natural Heritage are among the highest expressions of humanity. However, we assist to a sharp increase of disasters causing severe damage or loss of heritage worldwide. Countries affected by catastrophic events are usually caught unprepared, incapable to deploy mitigation and/or response measures.
What does it take to be ready to protect heritage at risk?
Which DRR policies currently in place are considered a good practice?
Which Private Public Partnerships can responsible state agencies establish to ensure CNH protection?
These and several other questions should find answers within this session together with some options and proposals.
MODERATOR: Claudio Cimino - MA and post-graduate in Architecture at La Sapienza. Member at the Board of Architects of Rome, in 2005 co-founded an architects’ firm. World Association for the protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in times of armed conflicts (WATCH)
ASIA Prof. Antoine Lahud, Lebanese American University – Destruction and Recovery of Old Beirut Urban Heritage (Lebanon)
OCEANIA Dilanthi Amaratunga, University of Huddersfield
AFRICA William Kimosop, Beringo County Tangers – Lake Bogoria National Reserve and Lake Baringo Conservation Area threatened by rising salty water in the Great Rift National Reserve (Kenia)
EUROPE Prof. Giulio Zuccaro, University of Naples – Volcanic Risk Mitigation in the Campania Region (Italy)
SOUTH AMERICA Eng. Giulia Cocco & Eng. Alberto Basaglia, University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara – Assessing the seismic vulnerability and risk of the historic centre of Cusco (Peru)
In the last few years, cultural heritage and nature-based solutions are increasingly being integrated into disaster risk management strategies and climate change mitigation and adaptation planning. However, the interconnections between natural and cultural heritage are not sufficiently explored and used for disaster risk prevention and post-disaster recovery strategies. In light of the increasing hazards threatening World Heritage, this session explores the opportunities that nature-culture approaches could bring for analyzing heritage places and increase their resilience by planning disasters prevention and recovery in cultural landscapes, urban areas and natural protected areas.
MODERATOR: Maya Ishizawa - Independent Heritage Specialist, Architect (Universidad Ricardo Palma) and PhD (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg) (in)
ASIA Jefferson Chua, Greenpeace – Can Resiliency Landscapes withstand pandemics? (Asia)
OCEANIA Xavier Forde, Heritage New Zealand – Strengthening Communities of knowledge: building the infrastructure of indigenous heritage in Aotearoa (Oceania)
AFRICA Alula Tesfay, Mekelle University, Ethiopia / University of Tsukuba, Japan – Ethiopia, resilient building traditions of Gunda Gundo community (Africa)
EUROPE Barbara Minguez-García, World Bank / GFDRR – Challenges and opportunities of natural and cultural heritage in disaster risk management strategies: an international cooperation perspective (Europe)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Paloma Guzmán, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) – How is conservation with a landscape approach advancing the assessment of climate change of World Heritage properties?
SOUTH AMERICA Pilar Matute, Centro Nacional de Sitios del Patrimonio Mundial, Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimoo – The Minami-Sanriku Moai: a protective gift (South America)
This session seeks to inquire into the situation of historic centers faced with pandemics, how these phenomena have affected them and in what way they have faced them throughout their history.
Historic centers are fundamental heritage places in cities, bringing together central functions and historicity, making them spaces of exchange and encounter, of permanence and change, of density and massiveness. The Covid-19 pandemic and the various measures to prevent its spread, such as quarantines and social distancing, have caused historic centers and their inhabitants to be particularly affected, closing most of the public and private activities that gave life to their daily lives and emptying the public spaces where people circulated, met and stayed. Markets and informal commerce is another element to be analyzed in historic centers, both in terms of use and vitality as well as sanitary hygiene. In this context, the present session seeks to inquire into the situation of historic centers faced with pandemics, how these phenomena have affected them and in what way they have faced them throughout their history.
Elvira Pérez Architect (PUC Chile), Master (Roma Tre), PhD (PUC Chile). Professor in the areas of history, theory and criticism of architecture and architectural and urban heritage. Director of the Master in Cultural Heritage program at Universidad Católica de Chile (in)
Carlos Silva - Architect and Master in Urban Development (PUC Chile), PhD candidate (PUC Chile). Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, UC. Coordinator of the Master in Cultural Heritage program at Universidad Católica de Chile (in)
ASIA Rohit Jigyasu, ICCROM – Multi-hazard risk assessment of historic centres (India)
AFRICA Muhammad Juma – Zanzibar (Tanzania)
EUROPE Giorgia Amoruso, Universitat Politècnica de València – Pandemias y Centros históricos: transformar la crisis en la oportunidad de un nuevo equilibrio (Italy)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Stephen J. Kelley, ISCARSAH, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee – New Orleans: Wind, Water and Global Climate Change (USA)
SOUTH AMERICA Fernando Carrión, FLACSO – La centralidad histórica: epicentro la pandemia, Quito (Ecuador)
SOUTH AMERICA Nivaldo Vieira de Andrade Junior, Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PPG-AU) / Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) – La pandemia del Covid-19 en el Centro Histórico de Salvador de Bahia: oportunismo y oportunidad (Brasil)
To understand the impacts that COVID has had on tourist cities, especially World Heritage sites, we will analyze six cases, each one of them with its own challenges. This will allow us to see how cities are facing the pandemic.
COVID-19 has had diverse global implications that have forced the entire society to stop and rethink its way of life, interactions and customs. It has demonstrated the vulnerability of tourist destinations, making it imperative to find new paths. Furthermore, COVID-19 has required adaptive government management to cope with uncertainty. The absence of a roadmap has left a natural park or a remote town at the same starting point as a tourist city, especially since the sanitary recommendations suggest avoiding crowded areas—one of the main characteristics of urban tourism. To understand the impacts that COVID has had on tourist cities, especially World Heritage sites, we will analyze six cases, each one of them with its own challenges. This will allow us to see how cities are facing the pandemic.
MODERATOR: Cynthia Pérez
ASIA Meng Qu, Hiroshima University, Rural art tourism revitalization and creative social resilience under Covid impact (Japan)
OCEANIA Karine Dupre, Griffith University, Surviving or thriving? A matter of perspective (Australia)
AFRICA Isber Sabrine, NGO Heritage for Peace, Heritage and covid 19 in conflicts: the Cyrene case (Libya)
EUROPE Alessia Allegri, Researcher Ciaud | URBinLAB, Destination X. Where to next? Opportunities and new challenges in post-covid 19 tourism (Portugal)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Carlos Hiriart, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo / ICOMOS México, Challenges and strategies in the management of a World Heritage city (Mexico)
SOUTH AMERICA María Augusta Orellana Alvear, Engineer in Tourism, MS. Land Management, Strategies of a WH intermediate city, the case of Cuenca (Ecuador)
MODERATOR: Giovanni Fontana - Architect, Executive Director and Co-founder, Archi.Media Trust (Italy)
ASIA Ms. Areej Hijazi or Mr. Hassan Muammer, local NGOs – The Battir Landscape project in Palestine (Palestine)
OCEANIA Dr. Dima Maurice, University of Queensland (Australia)
AFRICA Dr. George Abungu, Emeritus Director of National Museums of Kenya (Sudan)
EUROPE Dr. Andrea Mariotto, IUAV Venezia (Italy)
NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA Dr. Claudia Cancellotti, COO of Archi.Media Trust – The Kalinago Community (Dominica)
SOUTH AMERICA Dr. Olimpia Niglio, Hokkaido University (Colombia)
Natural and social disasters -notably the current COVID-19 pandemic- are part of an identity construction: society responds to them differently and condition our present and future experience- again, in mostly positive developments, but always with the threat of failure or repeated defeat. In this, too, World Heritage Sites reflect the human experience.
The session, “Natural and social Disasters in World Heritage Sites” is the first of the Globinar and therefore of particular importance to introduce some relevant issues: World Heritage sites are the center of the discussion, but their complexity requires an analysis from broad perspectives that go beyond the spatial and also consider multiple components. In this sense, heritage is the reflection and response of a varied, immense society; at the same time in danger of disappearing and a cornerstone for the construction of new, even more complex expressions and identities. But natural and social disasters -notably the current COVID-19 pandemic- are part of an identity construction: society responds to them differently and condition our present and future experience- again, in mostly positive developments, but always with the threat of failure or repeated defeat. In this, too, World Heritage Sites reflect the human experience.
MODERATOR: Adriana Scaletti - Architect (Universidad Ricardo Palma) and PhD (Universidad Pablo de Olavide Sevilla). Professor at Universidad Católica del Perú.
ASIA Jacopo Galli, IUAV Venezia (Middle East)
OCEANIA John Day & Scott Heron, James Cook University – Great Coral Reef Barrier (Australia)
AFRICA Walter Rossa, Universidad de Coimbra – Portuguese ex-colonies (Africa)
EUROPE Alfonso Muñoz Cosme, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – El terremoto de Lorca y sus consecuencias en el patrimonio local (Spain)
SOUTH AMERICA María Lucía Santamaría – Qapac Ñan (Peru)

Fernando Perez
Speakers and coordinators from past sessions of #2021debate Disasters&Pandemics reflect various topics and questions that were raised.
This is a closing session of the thematic debate on Disasters and Pandemics. Speakers and/or coordinators from different sessions will be invited to have a concluding conversation about various topics discussed and questions that were addressed:
How can we protect world heritage sites and, at the same time, give them life and new meanings?
How can we fully integrate WHS into the social and cultural dynamics of our daily life to make them more resilient when facing disasters or pandemics?
What is the role of communities in reconstruction processes in World Heritage Sites after disasters or pandemics ?
How can we enhance the relationship between local government and civil society during emergencies in world heritage sites?
How can we carry out inclusive and sustainable reconstruction processes that focus on WHS values?
How can civil society play a leading role channelling international cooperation for WHS after disasters and pandemics.
MODERATOR: Fernando Pérez Oyarzun - Architect (PUC Chile), and PhD (UPC Barcelona). Visiting professor at Harvard University, Simón Bolívar University, and Cambridge University. Tenured professor at Universidad Católica de Chile and current Director of Chile’s “Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes”.
Umberto Bonomo
Michael Turner
Francesco Bandarin
Christina Cameron
Mario Santana