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OWHvoices SYMPOSIUM session 3: Strengthening heritage governance and management

Strengthening heritage governance and management

The Convention puts central governments in charge of proposing sites to the World Heritage List and accounting to UNESCO for their conservation. Generally, central governments do not directly manage these heritage places and site management rests in the hands of local planners,local staff, and territorial agencies. While these on the ground managers protect and sustain World Heritage sites every day, they have no status within World Heritage processes. Inclusive heritage management is an urgent need.

This session is held online, hosted from Palazzo Coppini, and supported by Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, Firenze (Italy) and the patronage of the City of Florence.


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Welcome and moderation

Giovanni Fontana Antonelli, former UNESCO Culture Sector Official

Amy Wilson, Global Outreach specialist at OurWorldHeritage

Opening statements

Jordi Pascual
Coordinator Culture Committee,
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)

Eric Huybrechts
Manager of International Affairs,
L'Institut Paris Region (France)

Adam Wilkinson
Chief of Heritage and Culture,
Diriyah Gate Development Authority (Saudi Arabia)

Catherine Bertram
Mission Bassin Minier Nord-Pas de Calais (France)

Ege Yilidrim
Site Manager Mudurnu (Turkey)

Carlo Francini
Site Manager Florence (Italy)

Panel discussion with commentary remarks by

Tim Badman
Director Heritage, Culture and Youth


Jordi Pascual is the coordinator of the Committee on culture of the world organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The work of the Committee is based on Culture 21 Actions, a complete cultural rights-based toolkit on culture in sustainable cities. The Committee organizes a global award as well as a biennial Summit, manages a unique database of good practices and promotes a range of learning and capacity-building programmes for cities. As coordinator of the Committee, he is involved in the global campaign #culture2030goal that advocates for the role of cultural factors and actors in the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Jordi holds a PhD on cultural rights in sustainable development (University of Girona) and teaches cultural rights and globalization (Open University of Catalonia).

Eric Huybrechts is a senior Architect and Urban/Regional Planner, member of Isocarp (Board member), Icomos (CIVVIH expert), and Officer in the Royal order of Cambodia. He is the Manager of the International affairs at the Institut Paris Region. He has developed experience for 30 years in the field of urban and regional planning as expert and team leader in more than 20 countries. He worked on heritage projects in Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Istanbul, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Tripoli-Libya, and Al Ula. He recently edited a publication on historical centers: “Mémoires urbaines”. He is managing the Urban group of ICOMOS for the implementation of the SDG. He has also experience as a scientific researcher and as a lecturer in several universities in France and abroad.

Catherine Bertram is a graduate of the Institute of Political Science of Paris. In 1995, she started her career at the Nord-Pas de Calais Public Land-Management Agency, in charge of brownfield regeneration. From 1996 to 2000, she worked as a project manager in the Land management and brownfield regeneration Department of the Nord- Pas de Calais Regional Council. In 2000, she joined the Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin Land Planning and Development Agency - la Mission Bassin Minier, created by Interministerial decision. In 2013, she became the Directing manager of the Mission Bassin Minier which is in charge of managing the prestigious World Heritage label the Nord-Pas de Calais Coal Basin obtained in June 2012, as an « evolving cultural landscape ». 

November 15

OWHvoices SYMPOSIUM session 2: Promoting Skills and Awareness

November 15

OWHvoices SYMPOSIUM session 4: Engaging international heritage organisations