Saudi Arabia next President of the World Heritage Committee
Hegra Archaeological Site (al-Hijr / Madā> in Ṣāliḥ) in Saudi Arabia, listed World Heritage in 2008.
This image was originally posted to Flickr by Prof. Mortel at
23 NOV 2022 - OurWorldHeritage has learned that the Russian Federation has resigned from its position as President of the World Heritage Committee. According to Article 15.2 of the Rules of Procedure), the Presidency of the Committee goes to vice President Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has not reacted yet. An Extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee should be organised soon, possibly before the end of the year.
OurWorldHeritage expresses its wish that this new situation will allow the Convention to resume its normal operations, in view of the urgent needs of many World Heritage sites facing threats and destruction. Civil society organisations stand ready to support the conservation of World Heritage sites, as they have been all throughout the present crisis.
A previous version of this article referred to ‘Operational Guidelines’, this is replaced by ‘Rules of Procedure’. Also the title gave the impression that Saudi Arabia already accepted its new position, hence in the title, ‘new’ was replaced by ‘next’, and ‘has been taken by Saudi Arabia’ was replaced by ‘goes to vice President Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has not reacted yet.’